This Podcast is designed to deal with life's most serious issues. It is aimed at bringing Hope, Faith, Smiles and Laughter, despite the difficulties around us.My name is Shola, and I am a highly experienced Social Worker hoping to tackle the underlining reasons for Suicide. I hope to empower listeners who suffer from depression or harbour suicidal thoughts - to continue to live life, as there is always a way out, even in the midst of ashes.The sign '21' is to remind us of the fight and power of God accessible to us - I will be elaborating on this in one of the episodes of the Podcast.The Series 'Why Suicide, Why Not & Life' is planned to be released every 3 weeks, on Fridays, and it will run for between 6-12 months.Sometimes I will invite guests on the show and together we will chat about our stories, solutions and achievements in the hope that this will generate confidence and propel us into our God-given purpose on earth.
Movement & Summertime - Episode 20
Lady Shola Babatunde
Season 1
Episode 20
This episode chats about the importance of movements to our daily life existence. And as summertime is just round the corner for those with more than two seasons of the year then it’s time as always to make good use of the beauty and glory of God in and upon us to live and survive.
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